Number of client visits: 3073
Number of households helped: 723
Number of people helped: 2170
Number of households helped with children age 18 and under: 355
Number of children age 18 and under: 768
Number of households that were NEW: 157
Average number of clients per day: 21
Number of households helped: 723
Number of people helped: 2170
Number of households helped with children age 18 and under: 355
Number of children age 18 and under: 768
Number of households that were NEW: 157
Average number of clients per day: 21
In 2019, clients received 3 bags of groceries and a $15 Food Lion gift card on their first 8 visits ($10 Food Lion gift card beginning August 30th). Clients received 3 bags of groceries (no gift card) on the 9th and 10th visits. At each subsequent visit, clients were helped with 1 bag of food only.
There was a 3% decrease in the number of client visits compared to a 14.9% increase in 2018, the number of households helped remained almost the same (2 less in 2019), and a 28.6% decrease in the number of NEW households compared to 34% increase in 2018.
January was the busiest month with 375 client visits, the slowest month was December with 193.
Support of Social Services also included donations of food to stock their emergency food pantry, helping clients at times when we are not open. In 2019, groceries given had a value of approximately $1,500.
74 Volunteers gave over 3000 hours to the Food Closet in 2019!
There was a 3% decrease in the number of client visits compared to a 14.9% increase in 2018, the number of households helped remained almost the same (2 less in 2019), and a 28.6% decrease in the number of NEW households compared to 34% increase in 2018.
January was the busiest month with 375 client visits, the slowest month was December with 193.
Support of Social Services also included donations of food to stock their emergency food pantry, helping clients at times when we are not open. In 2019, groceries given had a value of approximately $1,500.
74 Volunteers gave over 3000 hours to the Food Closet in 2019!
Operating Hours
Monday 12:30 pm-3:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Wednesday and Friday 12:30 pm-3:00 pm
Monday 12:30 pm-3:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Wednesday and Friday 12:30 pm-3:00 pm